I went to midnite mass and I came home so full of excitement that it's nearly 5 am and I still haven't gone to bed yet. And I thought I was TIRED when I was in church! HA! It was a great celebration. I hope that God will work through me so that I may be a channel of His peace, and that I may bring the Peace of Christ into the lives of those around me!
Forget about the material things, the MOST IMPORTANT thing we need is LOVE!!! :-) <3
So I tried something different for the first time...I dunno how noticeable it was...lol..but umm yea, I wore a HALF WIG!!! I ordered these 2 half wigs online randomly a few weeks ago. I dunno, I think my credit card was itching or something. I just thought that I might wanna try it....they were both under 20 bucks each....but it's just so weird cuz I have never EVER worn a wig in public, EVERRR. I've never even worn a weave. I guess the closest i ever came to that was a long ponytail (or phonytail! haha) that I wore for my high school prom. Other than that, I've only played around and tried on my mom's wigs in the house, since she used to wear them every now and then. It was just kinda strange looking at myself in a wig...but um, still, kinda fun too! haha....so this was my look for Christmas eve:
YES, that certainly IS me in a half wig. heheh.....I'm wearing one called "instant weave" and the number is WSHZ7009 in the color F1B/30.
I guess it was a nice little change. I also ordered the other one that DPrincess28 had mentioned in a blog....I think it was called "Marion Girl?" But I'm not brave enough to wear that in public yet. LOL...it's SUPER LONG!!!! Here's a sneak peek:
What do you think???? hahaha I'm just having fun! :-P
Well anyway, have a very blessed Christmas!!! Much love to allllll!!!! <3TheMzDiimples
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